What People Are Saying About High Lawn
“It’s great to have such a long-lasting farm in this area. And they also support the community in the Berkshires.”
“High Lawn Farm milk is so fresh. I like the fact that you use no artificial growth hormones. I would like to add, I enjoy the fact that the company is family-owned since 1923 in the Berkshires. The milk is so tasty! I look for High Lawn milk all the time.”
“My daughter is one and a half years old. High Lawn Farm is the only milk she is able to tolerate and the only milk we buy for the whole family. It has a very fresh taste that we enjoy.”
“High Lawn Farm milk tastes great! There’s no chemical taste in this milk. Tastes naturally good. It’s refreshing.”
“I am writing to tell you that my family and I love your milk and egg nog. Thank you for making high quality and healthy products for my family and I to enjoy.”
“Dear High Lawn Farm, I really enjoy your milk. I buy it at Roche Bros in Millis, MA. The milk is so tasty and much, much better than the other two brands supermarkets usually carry.”
“Greetings! I have been serving your milk to my family ever since you began a partnership with Whole Foods, and we all love it.”
“I’m so grateful to High Lawn Farm for having the best practices for milking cows. I’m an animal lover, and it’s wonderful to know that you care about the cows. As you know, they have feelings too.”
“My daughter will only drink High Lawn Farm milk.”
“My son, Jude loves High Lawn Farm milk. He keeps asking for more and more and more…he can’t get enough of it!”
“The quality of High Lawn Farm’s heavy cream makes our homemade hot fudge sauce the silkiest and smoothest I’ve ever made. I’ve ended up having to increase the sizes of the batches to accommodate the demand.”
“I’m sitting in my kitchen on this foggy New England morning, enjoying a bowl of homemade granola with a generous splash or two of High Lawn Farm heavy cream. Some might question this as a healthful option for breakfast. To those I say: This cream is so silky and delicious and heavenly that a little goes a long way and, most of all — it makes me happy. What better way to start the morning than a bowlful of happy? Please thank the lovely cows for me and tell them I think their milk and cream is the best ever!”
“Dear folks at High Lawn Farm, I just wanted to say Thank YOU! for the work you do. I have been buying your milk and cream at my local Whole Foods store and will not buy anything else anymore. Your milk and cream actually have flavor!
We were in England this summer and they know their way around dairy products. When we came home we were so disappointed in the thin flavor of our regularly available milk and cream. I was especially disheartened not to find anything resembling the delicious English double cream, with its deep, malty flavor. Then Whole Foods started carrying your products and even though there is no double cream, I’ve found the same delicious depth of flavor in your heavy cream. Even when I’ve kept the cream too long and it goes off, it smells like good cheese instead of some lab experiment.
You have a faithful customer in me. I hope your products keep being available near me. Thank you again. Please pat your Jerseys for me. They deserve it!”
“Tried some High Lawn Farm ghee today and O.M.Ghee. Happy cows make better milk and better milk makes great ghee. I can’t wait to put this into my morning latte tomorrow. ”
“I heard from a friend of High Lawn Farm’s products and so I tried the butter first. It was very tasty and I like that there are no added hormones or antibiotics, this for me is a health issue.
I then traveled out just to get the High Lawn Farm cream. Why? Because of it’s ‘cleanliness’ and good flavor! I am Native American, so most of us don’t use much dairy, however, being part Irish and Cherokee I have a better tolerance to dairy and High Lawn Farm is the brand I chose over all in my area of Feeding Hills/Agawam.
It is a great product and I have been buying High Lawn since I first heard about it. I think more folks should try your dairy products and treat themselves to better health.”
“I was thrilled to find High Lawn Farm at the Big Y. I enjoy the taste, my kids love the chocolate milk and I like supporting our local, family-owned farms. As a breast cancer survivor, I am always in search of milk that is free of growth hormones and I know your cows are loved and cared for.”
“I just wanted to say that I purchase your chocolate milk at Roche Brothers in Wellesley and that your chocolate milk is the best quality I have ever tasted, keep up the great work. My wife and I loved the chronicle TV show piece on your farm, and we intend to drive out and visit your farm when the weather gets better.”
“I bought your chocolate milk at Stop & Shop in West Springfield, MA and I love it. REAL whole chocolate milk is hard to find, I just hope you keep it stocked in the store. I will also buy your white milk when I can find it. The fact that your milk is hormone free is such a plus. Keep up the good work!”
“Some years ago, when Whole Foods was still Bread & Circus, they had some great chocolate milk – it even won awards in a regional (New England) taste test. They stopped carrying that, and I went into mourning. I was unable to find any decent chocolate milk, not even from local dairies.
Then Whole Foods began carrying High lawn Farm milk so I decided to try it. It is just as good as anything I’ve ever had, and far better than nearly anything I’ve ever tasted.
Your milk tastes like real milk; the best other milks taste watered down (the worst taste like chalk dust in water…). It is better than the higher priced milk sold in small glass bottles.
Every year, when wild blueberries are in season, I feast on them. I love the small, wild variety – and your milk is the first milk I have tried on them that enhanced their taste instead of ruining it.
In fact, I have become so fond of your milk in preference to any other brand I can find that, if Whole Foods stopped carrying it, I’d find a store that did, if I had to drive for an hour to get there and pack a cooler full of ice to get it home. Now that I’ve remembered what good milk used to taste like, I find I can’t drink any other milk but yours. I guess you could consider me an enthusiastic, satisfied customer.”
“Hi, I recently went to Big Y in Northampton, Ma and a woman was there promoting your milk. My two boys tried a sample of the chocolate milk and immediately fell in love with it. They said it tasted “just like ice cream.” I purchased a 1/2 gallon and within 24 hours it was gone and they were begging for more. Thanks for such a great product.”
“I’m happy to speak up for the High Lawn Farm products and for their methods of caring for their cows. I enjoy supporting a local dairy by drinking the excellent milk they produce. Jersey cows are beautiful and their milk is healthy and delicious.”