Edible News and Notables Spring 2014
Edible Berkshires
Jersey girls resting on their waterbeds.
Look out, Canyon Ranch: There’s a new spa up the street— HIGH LAWN FARM, home of fresh Jersey milk. They decided there is nothing too good for their girls. New spa facilities have been completed on their farm in Lee, MA.
After a leisurely stroll around the track, the cows moooove on to a head and neck massage and then it’s time for a nap in a private suite on a waterbed. When properly rested, off to Lely’s, a gentle massage and cleaning of the udders leads to a robotic milking to relive the weight gain after a hard day, all this while munching on a serving of sweet oats. Oh, and then a quick dunk in the pool to rinse off the hoofs. The Lely Astronaut A4 milking robot, from the Netherlands, is heaven on earth to these girls.
Upon check in, each resident is assigned an elegant necklace with its very own transponder. This allows the staff to monitor their production and health through the milk. The Lely can keep tabs on the girls who just can’t resist an extra helping of oats by restricting double dippers. Everyone gets a chance, at their leisure, to partake twice a day in the offerings of Lely. It’s a win-win: The girls couldn’t be happier and milk production is up about 30%.
High Lawn Farms milk, cream, butter and now ice cream available throughout the Berkshires.
See Lely in action:
Read the full article on Edible Berkshires here.