I’m a Barista
or own a coffee shop
High Lawn Farm milk is sought after by baristas near and far due to its high performance in coffee drinks.
If you and your team love producing beautiful works of foam art on your latte’s and cappuccino’s, then you know how important it is to use milk that’s rich in protein and milkfat that’ll keep your froth velvety and your design secure long enough so your customer can fully enjoy it!
“Our customers always notice the difference between High Lawn and other milks. It’s so creamy and makes great froth for lattes, cappuccinos and foam art.”
Rich & creamy latte made with High Lawn Farm milk at the Southfield Store, in Southfield MA
A colorful variety of wellness lattes made with High Lawn Farm milk by Holli Badger at Fuel Bistro, in Great Barrington MA
Jonathon Santos of Allium Market Cafe in Brookline MA makes a beautiful latte with High Lawn Farm milk
Our milk comes from our 100% Jersey cow herd. Milk from Jersey’s is famed for being higher in milk solids, butterfat and protein, also known to add a natural sweetness that cuts any flavors of acidity.
Even when all or part of the milkfat is removed, consumers prefer Jersey milk. That’s because skim or low-fat Jersey milk still has the rich taste of whole milk due to its higher solids, which are the proteins responsible for stabilizing the air bubbles in milk foams.
And thanks to our special pasteurization process — where we heat our milk then quickly cool it — the taste and beneficial enzymes are preserved which means you never have to worry about that “burnt” taste that’s a common result of ultra-pasteurization.
Here’s the facts. Our Jersey milk contains:
17% more calcium and 20% more protein than other breeds
A2 type protein which makes our milk easier to digest than A1 dairy products
The highest concentration of B2 (riboflavin) of any milk produced by other breeds — B2 plays a vital role in maintaining the body's energy supply
Omega-3 fat DHA, carnosine, creatine, and vitamins D and B12 — nutrients critical for good brain function, making our milk the perfect addition to your caffeinated (or decaf) focus-boosting concoctions
Our Jerseys’ well-being and quality of life are important to us. That’s why we have special waterbeds throughout our facility for the most comfortable rest possible — of course, that’s for when they’re not feeding or getting a massage by one of our nifty back-scratcher machines. Calm and relaxed cows yield increased milk production that’s of even higher quality. It’s true what they say: happy cows make happy milk!
Queen of Quality®
Jersey cows naturally produce milk with high amounts of protein and calcium, making delicious and nutritious products for you and your family. Look for the Queen of Quality® trademark on 100% Jersey milk products from producers across the country.
Our Whole, Low Fat, and Fat Free Skim Milk is available in 3 sizes:
Half-Gallon, Gallon, and 5-Gallon bags.
Or kick up the creaminess a few notches with our Half-and-Half or Heavy Cream, available in Half-Gallons.
Ready to add High Lawn Farm milk to your café menu?
Give us a call at 413-243-0672 or email us at mail@highlawnfarm.com and someone from our team will be happy to help get you started!